Academy Governance


Here at Dereham Junior Academy, we work hard to reinforce our three core expectations – be respectful, be safe and be ready. These are not just principals but a commitment to placing our children at the heart of all we do. We strive to make sure their time here is both enjoyable and successful and they leave as confident individuals ready to flourish at high school.

Our Local Governing Body works alongside DNEAT and, through constructive challenge and support, to fulfil three core functions:

  • provide clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
  • oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
  • hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

Together, let’s continue to make our school a place where our children thrive at the centre of our collective efforts.

We hope that you find this information useful

Best wishes
Grant King
Chair of Governors

Grant King – Chair of Governors
(Parent Governor 2023-2027)

Gemma Starling – Vice Chair of Governors & Safeguarding Governor
(Trust Appointed 2022-2026)

Revd Paul Cubitt
(Ex Officio Appointed 2020)

Kelly Scott – Headteacher
(Appointed 2019)

Simon Dack
(Staff Governor 2023-2027)

Hannah Beard
(Trust Appointed 2023-2027)

Kirsty Jonas
(Parent Governor – 2024-2028)

Trust Appointed Governor Vacancy

Trust Appointed Governor Vacancy 
