Gallery 2022-23
Paul Cezanne – Still Life Oil Painting
Year 3 – Skeletons
Year 3 have been looking at the functions of a skeleton. First we tried to see what would happen without any bones. We filled plastic gloves with water and then tried to shake hands. Later we looked at how bones and joints help us move. We created our own working hands.
Number Day – 3rd February 2023
On this special occasion we had Number day. This extraordinary event had many fun activities such as spending time with our parents and modeling our hats. Everyone had so much fun!
The Math Trail
This trail was very thrilling and amusing. We were running around
looking for clues to fill out our leaflet. We were given a sheet with pictures of different locations around our school to answer our questions. Instead of a family cafe, our school decided to do something different (the math trail) with our parents. These riddles were extremely enjoyable and fun to solve. Every second someone smiled or laughed. This will be a day everyone will remember.
Math In Art
When we got back inside from the trail, the school decided to do something math related, but also, art related. We did insect artwork but we had to make sure it was symmetrical (we used line symmetry) in every way. We had ladybirds, butterflies, cockroaches, bees and wasps. Everyone had amazing symmetry and beautiful pieces. Some people were even more creative and did shapes in their insects so they had even better pieces and even more Maths in them.
Coins For Charity
This was really fun and had a good cause
In the afternoon, we had a fun time and when I say fun I mean FUN! What we did was we spread coins all over the playground and gave whatever the school had earned to the NSPCC. The NSPCC is a charity for children and they even have their own child phone line. Their number is 0800 1111. Our entire school raised over £300 altogether. This was really fun to put all over the playground and had a really good cause.
The Sensational Hat Parade
Before this wonderful day, we made phenomenal hats to wear and to show off. From tophats to crowns and even party hats, each and every one was incredible. At 2:30pm we marched down the year 3 and 4 field presenting our marvelous hats. At the end of the parade we all lined up and class after class we modeled our hats.
Everyone was very happy and loved the day a lot. We are looking forward to seeing what the school does next year but overall number day was a huge success and was very enjoyable.
~by Indie and Amani~
Dodgeball Stars
Anglo Saxon Inspired Bags – DT
Babbage Class Norwich Castle Trip
Babbage Class had a great time on their trip to Norwich Castle this week! We learnt all about the Ancient Egyptians and even got to see some real artefacts!
Number Day 2023
Y5 – DT: Making Bags
Y5 – Balance, Stance, Coordination and Footwork in PE
Year 3 PE
Scientists in the making!
Children in Year 3 have been using their science skills to create a fair test which examines which types of surface create the most friction. Children slowly tipped ramps until a toy car began to move. They then measure the height of the ramp. They discovered that bumpy surfaces created more friction than smooth surfaces.