familymathstoolkit.org.uk/ (Maths family toolkit)
oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/advice-for-parents/maths-at-home/ Oxford Owl Advice
https://mathsframe.co.uk/ Maths Frame- Really great range of games that are mostly free- Check out Tommy’s Trek Times Table (the staff’s favourite game at the moment!) (mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/318/Tommys-Trek-Times-Tables)
puzzle-bridges.com// Puzzle bridges. This puzzle game looks dull, but stick with it and read the instructions it really is an amazing puzzle game that will test your brain power!
primarygames.co.uk/pg2/splat/splatsq100.html Splat- a really helpful 100 square which is really useful for Multiplication, adding and subtracting 10 e.t.c.
sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fruitshoot/fruitshoot_subtraction.htm Fruit shoot – A really helpful game for remember quick addition and subtraction facts
maths-games.org/times-tables-games.html Times table games
solvemoji.com/Puzzle/MostPopular/ Solve Emoji – We’ve all seen these online, Some of these are easy and some are tricky. How will you do?