Mutual respect means that even if people think differently, look different or believe things different to you, you should still try to understand and appreciate them and everything about them.
Mutual respect and tolerance at DCoEJA:
All children and adults treat each other with respect and appreciate difference in our school. We are all different and this needs to be celebrated and understood not criticised and condemned. Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs can be seen:
- in our broad an balanced curriculum where we enjoy differences
- in RE lessons that explore different faiths (including no faith)
- during our school council meetings and eco council meetings
- when we go on educational visits and see things that are different to our immediate home and school
- when we ‘live together’ for a short period of time on residentials
- when we explore different festivals such as Diwali and the Chinese New Year
- during collective worship that celebrate the lives, teachings and beliefs of others
- when we look at various charities and discuss why they exist.