Thanks for visiting this page. Here are the links to videos that we use in RSHE and Life Skills lessons in each year. All links work as of 02/10/2022.
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Year 3
Pantosaurus – keeping private parts safe:
Year 4
Operation Ouch Puberty special:
Year 5
Puberty in Boys
Puberty in Girls
Wet Dreams
Year 6
Puberty, sex organs and sexual reproduction:
In 2021 Ofsted did a review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges This report found that schools were not doing enough to stop peer on peer sexual harassment and abuse . Many believe that this is an issue for high school but it is not. It is important that children understand, in an age appropriate way, that sexual harassment is not acceptable. We have been teaching children this from Year 3- where they learn that their body is theirs and their privates are private (see pantosaurus video above). They also learn that it is inappropriate to touch someone else’s privates even if it is a ‘game’. Each year we build on prior learning so that all children can feel safe and know what to do if ever they feel that something is wrong. In Year 6 after discussing sexual reproduction and relationships we show the video below stopping at different points to discuss what is going on. As said above we want to protect our children from harm and forewarned is forearmed.